Dairy Cow Consultation Services

Vaccination Protocols

Implementing proper vaccinations will ensure your herd remains healthy and viable. Our team assists your dairy operation in staying knowledgeable and up to date on the best vaccination strategy for your herd. 

Mastitis Control Protocols

Gull Lake Veterinary Services provides you with the tools and best practices to prevent mastitis and improve milk quality in your dairy herd. We can help develop treatment and prevention strategies to reduce mastitis and keep your somatic cell count low through milk culturing and data analysis. 

proAction Consultation

Keeping up with the requirements of proAction can be difficult and confusing. We can assist by providing you with the prescriptions you need, and creating and conducting your biosecurity risk assessment. Our vets can also help with the SOPs required as part of the program. 


Export Services

If you export your animals to another country, it can be stressful for both your animals and yourself. It is crucial to have the proper information and documentation ready. We can assist in preparing and doing the necessary tests and documentation for exporting your dairy cows.